Olivia Lyon
12/8/2012 08:56:40 am

Within e first seven chapters of LOTF, there have been many conflicts between Ralph and and Jack. An example of this can be found on page 102. On the previous page, piggy was asking Ralph what he should do when the rest of the boys (besides the littluns) went to go search for the infamous beast. It was then that Jack interfered into the conversation, disobeying the

Olivia Lyon
12/8/2012 09:04:42 am

Conch rule. Piggy called Jack out on this and Jack became infuriated. He began speaking about how they don't need the conch anymore and people need to know who should speak. Jack continued rambling on, trying to sound like the leader he so longed to be. Ralph couldn't take it any longer and put jack in his place by saying he didn't have the conch and demanded him to sit down. Golding then describes how Jack's face went so white that the freckles were clear. With this description, I can conclude that Ralph won the conflict because Jack didn't speak back and was in so much shock because he was, as I said before, put into his place.

MOrgan Wicken
12/9/2012 08:52:40 am

i agree with olivia that Ralph did win this dispute between Jack and himself. When Ralph puts JAck in his palce by saying that Jack realy wasnt looking ot get off the island it most likely made jack fee uncomfortable. So yes Ralph won the fight.

.xavier edwards
12/9/2012 12:01:57 am

I agree with Olivia and her ideas

Mr. Siedlecki
12/9/2012 07:35:16 am

Be specific. Which points do you agree with? Why?

Alexsis Powell
12/9/2012 04:43:37 am

In the book Lord of the Flies the characters of Jack and Ralph have had many conflicts throughout the story. Many of these conflicts are because of leadership. Ralph was nominated as the leader over the group of boys, which Jack is jealous about because he wants to be leader. Throughout the book Jack doesn't fully respect Ralph as a leader, such as when he disobeyed his rule of never letting the fire go out, and the rules of the conch. In chapter 6 Jack once again did not listen to Ralph's rule, in which whoever has the conch may speak, and nobody must speak over them. This happened when Piggy(who Jack does not like) had the conch ad was speaking about the "beast" situation, and Jack cut in and shot his ideas down like always. Finally Ralph got fed up about Jack always disobeying the conch rule because it said his blood was boiling, and confronted him by telling him to sit down. Then the book described Jack as pale after Ralph yelled at him, and it also said later on the he unwillingly spoke. This shows that Ralph won the dispute because Jack was in shock be Ralph's response to how he was disobeying the conch rules.

Karina Zhao
12/9/2012 05:09:28 am

I agree with Olivia and Alexis. The example of Jack disobeying the conch rule, showed one of many conflicts, as Ralph pointed out that he didn't have the conch and then demanded him to sit down. In the end, Ralph won seeing as Golding wrote, "Jack's face went so white that the freckles showed as clear, brown flecks," showing a side of vulnerability.

Lexie Vetrano
12/9/2012 05:29:26 am

I think one of the main conflicts that Jack and Ralph face is that they are still contemplating about who is going to be the ruler. In the previous chapters, and mainly throughout the whole book, Ralph and Jack have had many incidents where neither of them knew who would be the number one person to go to with anything. One of them in particular is when Jack and his hunters went off to kill a pig for food, but in the midst of hunting, they didn't realize that they let the signal (the fire) out. When they returned, Ralph was furious that he let the fire go out. Somehow this made Jack aggressive and he punched Piggy in the face. Some of the kids were second guessing whether or not Jack should be the leader along with Ralph. This is one of the many conflicts of this kind between Ralph and Jack.

Nicole Reinschmidt
12/9/2012 08:04:11 am

I agree with Lexi. Jack and Ralph still have a lot of incidents where they disagree. With Jack around, there is always a conflict about leadership. Ralph kind of naturally took the position as leader, while Jack purposefully wants to rule over everyone and be on the top. I think jack has always wanted to be seen as a strong character, especially when he enjoyed how he changed when he disguised his face. Jack doesn't seem to quit when he wants something. He wanted to kill the pig, and he ended up having an unhealthy obsession over it, until he finally did. He wants to be leader, and he's still fighting for it.
Another of Jack and Ralph's conflicts, when Jack let the fire go out, they had another stern disagreement of how things should be done. Ralph says to keep the fire going. Jack basically says who cares, and that the rules don't apply much to hunters. I don't think anyone won that conflict; Jack ended up punching Piggy in the face out of anger, and Ralph was still not having anyone listen to him much.

Gianni Jannke
12/9/2012 07:01:21 am

A conflict that arises between Ralph and Jack in chapter six is the disagreement about the fort. When the boys are looking for "the beast" spotted by samneric, Ralph and Jack come across location that Jack thinks would be an ideal location for a fort. He claims, with good reason, that it has a great defensive position. Jack says that you could just push rocks off the cliff, landing on the enemy below. Ralph claims it is not the perfect spot because there is no source of fresh water or food. Jack points out a small trickle of water and Ralph say it is rotten. Ralph and Jack both have good points about the disadvantages and advantages of the location. However, Jack doesn't argue anymore. Later on, the rest of the boys make the same point as Jack did earlier. Ralph silences them and Jack doesn't protest. By Jack not arguing anymore and accepting Ralph's decision, this shows that Ralph "won" the conflict.

Alex Barina
12/9/2012 10:33:42 am

I agree with Gianni both of the boys have good points to argue about with the fort such as location or supply issues alph one the conflict because his points seemed more important than jacks did

Anna Tworzyanski
12/9/2012 10:46:05 am

One conflict that occurs between Jack and Ralph in the sixth chapter is over, yet again, the conch shell rule. Piggy says "How about us, Ralph?"and Ralph hands him the conch to continue speaking, but mid-sentence when Piggy says "... and if I get scared-" Jack breaks in, saying "You're always scared." Piggy reminds him that he has the conch, and Jack mocks him saying "Conch! Conch!" Then Jack continues by saying " We don't need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things. What good did Simon do speaking, or Bill,or Walter? It's time some people knew they've got to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us."By this point Ralph can no longer contain himself and counteracts Jack's outbreak by saying "You haven't got the conch... Sit down." Then, Jack finally backs down a bit: " Jack's face went so white that the freckles showed as clear, brown flecks. He licked his lips and remained standing." Ralph clearly won the argument here, as usually Jack perpetually argues with Ralph with no apparent affectation. Golding also shows how Jack becomes transparent to show that Jack is really just a little boy where he writes " the freckles showed as clear, brown flecks." Jack's freckles are a way of Folding showing Jack's true vulnerability as opposed to his usual tough exterior, so clearly, although perhaps not verbally, Jack has admitted defeat. Therefore, Ralph won.

Shannon Barrett
12/10/2012 04:19:56 am

A conflict between Ralph and Jack is the conch shell rule. Jack doesn't want to follow that rule because it isn't in his favor most of the time, so of course he doesn't follow it, because he only wants rules that work in his favor and when a rule doesn't work in his favor he doesn't follow them.

12/2/2014 07:17:46 am

you are all wrong

Jamal's friend
4/30/2015 09:48:25 am

My nigga jamal lol

5/28/2016 04:06:13 am

jamal my nigga's nigga

Jamal's friend's friend's friend
12/18/2016 01:24:35 pm

my penis is extra large today

Jamal's Friends must Shut up
10/19/2020 04:48:26 pm

Some of you people have commented very early in the morning which leaves me to the question of why was the fire let out. LOL


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